Vogelgesang/ تغريد الطيور / Bird-song
an arrangement for SATB choir, violin, and percussion of Gustav Mahler, "Wer hat dies Liedlein erdacht?” from Des Knaben Wunderhorn and Khalil al-Qabbar, يا طيرة طيري
(yā tera tīrī yā hamāmà) composed for the Chamber Singers of Haverford and Bryn Mawr Colleges and violinist Hanna Khoury for their January 2017 collaboration with the Begegnungschor, Berlin
click here for Texts and translations
See also this article about the 2017 collaboration with Begegnungschor:
"Singen, nicht hassen - الغناء، لا أكره - Let's sing, not hate - Berlin's "Begegnungschor" brings refugees and locals together to overcome fear," with Susanne Kappe and Abdolrachman Omaren, International Choral Bulletin of the International Federation of Choral Musicians (IFCM), 2nd Quarter 2017 - Volume XXXVI, Number 2, pp 30-34.
first performance - October 23, 2016 - Thomas Great Hall, Bryn Mawr; with Hanna Khoury and Hafez Kotain