Gloria Mass (2014) 
for congregational use

        free to use with notification and attribution

Organ-vocal score
         Congregational part for service leaflet   

          Organ-vocal score
          Congregational part for service leaflet

Gospel Acclamation (revised 2/16 for additional length)
          Organ-vocal score
          Congregational part for service leaflet

          Organ-vocal score
          Congregational part for service leaflet

Fraction anthem
“Christ our Passover…”

          Organ-vocal score
           Congregational part for service leaflet
The disciples knew the Lord Jesus…”
Organ-vocal score
Congregational part for service leaflet

congregations known to be using these settings:

- St. Peter's Episcopal Church, Fort Atkinson, WI

This mass setting began during an Easter season when we were looking for a change from our usual settings of the Gloria, which we normally sing only during Easter and for festival eucharists.  Over the following summer, I thought it might make sense to fill out the service music to have a complete set based on themes developed in the Gloria. 

Writing congregational service music poses a unique challenge for a composer: can you write something that is simple (in the best sense), singable, and liturgically fitting without writing music that people will wish they could get out of their head after a few weeks?  The beloved congregation of the Philadelphia Episcopal Cathedral has been most supportive of our musical explorations, and is really the inspiration for this music, to the glory of God made known to us in Jesus of Nazareth.  - TL